
The South Florida Journal of Health (SFJH) is published by South Florida Publishing LLC, a American company registered with document number L20000083953 and the Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 85-1092583, registered in Florida, United States of America. Our company is located in 1191 E Newport Center Dr. #103 - Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, United States of America.

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The SFJH arose through some professor’s perception of the lack of means of dissemination in the development subject in scientific articles. It is a quarterly publication whose objective is to spread the knowledge in the area of development through the publication of scientific articles which presents original contributions, both empirical and theoretical.

The SFJH accepts contributions written in English or Spanish, and all the papers published in the journal will receive the DOI - Digital Object Identifier, unique identification code of the paper.