Tambaqui’s sausage: sensory evaluation


  • Edson Francisco do Espírito Santo
  • Julia Eudoxia Decaris Rolim
  • Ytaiara Lima Pereira
  • Anne Caroline Dantas Tavares de Oliveira
  • Washington Clementino Amorim Júnior




análise sensorial, Colossomo Macropomum, salsicha de peixe, embutido, tecnologia de peixes


This work aimed to elaborate 2 formulations of tambaqui sausages, smoked freshness and cuiabana, and to perform their sensory evaluation. After preparation, the pasta was embedded in a casing and stored under refrigeration until the moment of smoking, in the case of freshness, and subsequently the analyzes were carried out. Acceptance, purchase intention and preference tests were carried out, with the participation of 49 IFAM / CMZL tasters. Cuiabana showed better results in all analyzes, with values of 4.52 for the acceptance test, 4.44 for the purchase intention, and 65.3% in the preference test. The freshness obtained, respectively, the values of 4.31, 4.33, 34.7%. Despite the differences, it can be said that both formulations have been accepted and are commercially viable.



How to Cite

Santo, E. F. do E. ., Rolim, J. E. D. ., Pereira, Y. L. ., Oliveira, A. C. D. T. de ., & Júnior, W. C. A. . (2020). Tambaqui’s sausage: sensory evaluation. South Florida Journal of Development, 1(4), 186–193. https://doi.org/10.46932/sfjdv1n4-001

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